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What are Streams in Flutter/Dart?

Câu trả lời

Streams in Flutter/Dart are a powerful way to handle asynchronous data and events. They allow you to work with sequences of data that arrive asynchronously over time[1][2].

Some key points about Streams:

  • Streams are like pipes that push values into one end, which listeners on the other end can pick up[2]
  • A stream can have multiple listeners, all of which receive the same values[2]
  • Streams are ideal for handling real-time data and updating the UI in response to streamed data[2]
  • Dart has two main classes for asynchronous programming: Future (single value) and Stream (sequence of values)[1]
  • Streams can be either single subscription (one listener) or broadcast (multiple listeners)[2]
  • The StreamBuilder widget in Flutter makes it easy to rebuild the UI whenever a stream emits a new event[2]

To create a stream, you ...



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