Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Arrays
Câu hỏi

What are time complexities of sorted array operations?

Câu trả lời

The time complexities of various operations on a sorted array can be summarized as follows:

Search Operation

  • Binary Search: The time complexity for searching an element in a sorted array using binary search is $$O(\log n)$$ in the worst case. This is because binary search repeatedly divides the search interval in half[1][2][15].

Insert Operation

  • Insertion: Inserting an element into a sorted array requires finding the correct position for the new element and then shifting all subsequent elements one position to the right. This results in a time complexity of $$O(n)$$ in the worst case[1][2][15].

Delete Operation

  • Deletion: Deleting an element from a sorted array involves shifting all subsequent elements one position to the left to fill the gap left by the deleted element. This operation also has a time complexity of $$O(n)$$ in the worst case[2][15].

Summary Table

Operation Time Complexity
Search $$O(\log n)$$
Insert $$O(n)$$
Delete $$O(n)$$

Additional Notes

  • Accessing an Element: Accessing an element by its index in a sorted array is $$O(1)$$ because arrays allow direct access to any element using its index[4][20].
  • Space Complexity: The space complexity for these operations is $$O(1)$$ as no additional space is required beyond the input array itself[15].

These complexities highlight the trade-offs involved in using sorted arrays, particularly the efficiency of search operations versus the cost of insertions and deletions.

[1] http...



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