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Late Static Bindings in PHP

Late static bindings (LSB) in PHP is a feature introduced in PHP 5.3 that allows you to access static methods and properties of a class from within a static context, even if the class is being called from a subclass or a static method.

In PHP, when you call a static method or access a static property, the class is resolved at compile-time. This means that if you call a static method from within another static method, it will always refer to the class where the method is defined, even if the method is being called from a subclass.

Here's an example to illustrate the problem:

class A {
    public static function who() {
        echo __CLASS__;

    public static function test() {

class B extends A {
    public static function who() {
        echo __CLASS__;

B::test(); // Output: A

In this example, when we call B::test(), it should output B, but instead, it outputs A. This is because self::who() inside A::test() refers to A::who() and not B::who().

This is where late static bindings come into play. With LSB, you can use the static keyword to refe...



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