Câu hỏi phỏng vấn PHP
Câu hỏi

What is the purpose of php.ini file?

Câu trả lời

The php.ini file is a configuration file used by PHP to set various directives that control the behavior and settings of the PHP runtime environment. It is a crucial file for configuring and optimizing PHP applications. Here are some of the main purposes of the php.ini file:

Configuration Settings

The php.ini file allows you to configure various settings related to PHP's behavior, such as:

  • Error reporting: You can set the level of error reporting and decide whether to display errors or log them to a file.
  • File uploads: You can configure settings related to file uploads, such as the maximum file size, directory for uploaded files, and whether to allow remote file uploads.
  • Memory limit: You can set the maximum amount of memory that a PHP script can consume.
  • Time limit: You can set the maximum execution time for a PHP script.
  • Session settings: You can configure settings related to PHP sessions, such as the session save path, cookie settings, and session lifetime.

Extension Loading

The php.ini file is used to load PHP extensions, which are additional modules that provide specific functionality. You can enable or disable extensions by uncommenting or commenting out the corresponding lines in the php.ini file.

Default Values

The php.ini file sets default values for various PH...



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