Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Concurrency
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What is a Mutex?

Câu trả lời

A mutex, short for mutual exclusion, is a synchronization primitive used in concurrent programming to prevent multiple threads from accessing a shared resource simultaneously. This ensures that only one thread can execute a critical section of code at a time, thereby avoiding race conditions and ensuring data consistency.

Key Characteristics of a Mutex

  1. Ownership: A mutex has the concept of ownership, meaning that only the thread that has locked the mutex can unlock it. This helps in preventing accidental releases by other threads[1][2][3][4].

  2. Mutual Exclusion: The primary purpose of a mutex is to provide mutual exclusion. When a thread locks a mutex, other threads attempting to lock it will be blocked until the mutex is unlocked[1][2][3][5].

  3. Kernel-Level Implementation: Mutexes often involve kernel-level operations, which can result in system calls. This is particularly true in operating systems like UNIX, where mutexes are implemented via pthread_mutex_t[4].

  4. Priority Inversion Handling: Some mutex implementations include mechanisms to handle priority inversion, where a lower-priority thread holds a mutex needed by a higher-priority thread. Priority inheritance is one such mechanism[3].

  5. Deadlock Prevention: Proper use of mutexes can help prevent deadlocks, although poor design can still lead to deadlock situations. For instance, acquiring multiple locks in a consistent order can help avoid deadlocks[5].

Example Use Cases

  • Shared Counters: In a multithreaded program, a mutex can be used to protect a shared counter variable, ensuring that only one thread can update the counter at a time[2][7].
  • Resource Management: Mutexes are used to manage access to shared resources ...


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