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What is an App state?

Câu trả lời

An app state in Flutter refers to the state that is shared across multiple widgets in an application. It is the data that defines the overall state of the app, as opposed to the ephemeral state which is specific to a single widget.

Some key characteristics of app state:

  • It is typically stored outside of individual widgets, often in a separate class or model[1][4].
  • It is used by multiple widgets across the app, not just one[2].
  • It is usually managed using a state management solution like Provider, Bloc, or Riverpod[1][3].
  • Changing the app state triggers a rebuild of the relevant parts of the widget tree[1][2].

For example, in a shopping app, the list of products in the catalog and the items in the shopping cart would be considered app state, as they are shared across multiple screens. The currently selected pr...



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