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What is the difference between Expanded and Flexible widgets?

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The main differences between the Expanded and Flexible widgets in Flutter are:

  1. Expanded always takes up all the available space along the main axis (width for Row, height for Column), while Flexible only takes up the space it needs[1][2][3].

  2. Expanded is a subclass of Flexible with fit: FlexFit.tight by default, which means it forces its child to fill the available space[1][4]. Flexible has fit: FlexFit.loose by default, allowing its child to be smaller than the available space.

  3. Expanded has a flex property that determines how the available space is distributed between multiple Expanded widgets. Flexible also has a flex property to control space distribution, but it's more flexible in how it sizes its child[2][4].

  4. Flexible gives you more control over how the child widget fills the available space via t...



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