Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Data Structures
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What is Red...

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A Red-Black tree is a type of self-balancing binary search tree, a data structure used in computer science to organize and store data efficiently. Each node in a Red-Black tree contains an extra bit for denoting the color of the node, which can be either red or black. This color attribute is essential for balancing the tree during data insertions and deletions, ensuring the tree remains approximately balanced at all times, which in turn guarantees that the tree operations (insertion, deletion, and lookup) can be performed in logarithmic time complexity.

Properties of Red-Black Trees

Red-Black trees must satisfy the following properties to maintain balance and ensure efficient operations:

  1. Red/Black Property: Every node is colored either red or black.
  2. Root Property: The root of the tree is always black.
  3. Leaf Property: Every leaf (NIL node) is black.
  4. Red Property: If a red node has children, both children are always black (i.e., no two red nodes can be adjacent).
  5. Depth Property: For each node, all simple paths from the node to descendant leaves contain the same number of black nodes.

Balancing the Tree

The balancing of a Red-Black tree is maintained through rotations and recoloring of nodes during insertions and deletions:

  • Insertions: New nodes are always inserted as red nodes. If this leads to a violation of the Red-Black properties (specifically the Red Property), adjustments are made through rotations and changing the colors of certain nodes in the tree.
  • Deletions: Removing a node can require several types of adjustments to fix potential property violations, including rotations and recoloring similar to the insertion process.

Advantages of Red-Black Trees

  • Balanced Height: The constraints on node coloring and the properties of the tree ensure that it remains balanced, with the path from the root to the farthest leaf being no more than twice as long as the path to...


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