Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Angular
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What is Redux and how does it relate to an Angular app?

Câu trả lời

Redux is an open-source JavaScript library used for managing and centralizing the state of an application. It was originally designed to work with React but can be integrated with other frameworks, including Angular, through specific bindings or libraries like NgRx[2][5][8][16].

In the context of Angular, Redux helps manage the state of an application in a predictable way by maintaining a single source of truth, which is the store. This store is immutable, meaning that it cannot be directly modified. Instead, changes are made through specific functions known as reducers. Reducers take the current state and an action as arguments and return a new state based on the action type[2][5].

Redux operates on the principles of unidirectional data flow. Actions are dispatched, which describe the changes to be made. These actions are handled by reducers, which update the state accordingly. The updated state is then propagated throughout the application, ensuring that all components that depend on this state can react to these changes[2][5][8].

In Angular applications, Redux can be particularly useful in complex scenarios where multiple components need to share and react to common data. However, Angular also has built-in capabilities for managing state, such as services and RxJS observables, which can sometimes make Redux unnecessary. Angular's dependency injection system makes it easy to share services and data across components, and the framework's design encourages the use of observables to handle asynchronous data flows and state management[1][11].

The integration of Redux in Angular is facilitated by libr...



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