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What is ScopedModel / BLoC Pattern?

Câu trả lời

ScopedModel and BLoC (Business Logic Components) are common Flutter app architecture patterns that help separate business logic from UI code[1][2][4].

ScopedModel is a third-party package that allows you to easily pass a data Model from a parent Widget down to its descendants. It also rebuilds all children that use the model when the model is updated[1][2][4].

BLoC stands for Business Logic Components. It helps manage state and access data from a central place in your project. The key idea is that everything in the app should be represented as a stream of events - widgets submit events, other widgets respond, and BLoC sits in the middle managing the conversation[1][2][4].

Some key differences between ScopedModel and BLoC:

  • ScopedModel is a third-party package, while BLoC is part of the Flutter framework[1][2]
  • ScopedModel is focus...


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