Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Flutter
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List some approaches for S...

Câu trả lời

Here are some of the most common approaches for state management in Flutter:

  1. setState: This is Flutter's built-in way to manage state for simple cases. It allows you to rebuild the widget tree when the state changes[1][3].

  2. InheritedWidget: This is another built-in Flutter class that allows you to efficiently pass data down the widget tree without needing to pass it through each level as a constructor argument[1][2][4].

  3. Provider: This is a popular package built on top of InheritedWidget that simplifies state management. It provides a set of widgets to handle common patterns like dependency injection[2][4].

  4. BLoC (Business Logic Component): The BLoC pattern promotes separation of concerns between the UI and business logic. It uses streams to manage the state and updates the UI when the state changes[1][2][4].

  5. Riverpod: Riverpod is a state management solution that aims to be simple, scalable and testable. It provides...



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