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What is the advantage of PreparedStatement over Statement ?

Câu trả lời

**The primary advantage of using a PreparedStatement over a Statement in JDBC is its efficiency and security in executing SQL statements, especially when these statements are executed multiple times or involve input parameters.

Efficiency through Pre-compilation

A PreparedStatement is pre-compiled by the database, which means the SQL statement is parsed and compiled into a format that the database can execute directly. This pre-compilation happens only once, even if the statement is executed multiple times, which can significantly improve performance by reducing the overhead associated with parsing and compiling the SQL statement repeatedly[2][4][5][7].

Enhanced Security with Parameterized Queries

PreparedStatement helps prevent SQL injection attacks, a critical security concern where attackers manipulate SQL queries by injecting malicious code. This is achieved through the use of parameterized queries where input values are bound to placeholders rather than being embedded directly within the SQL string. This method ensures that input data is treated as data only and not part of the SQL command, thus preventing malicious alterations to the query structure[4][5].

Dynamic Data Binding

PreparedStatement allows for the dynamic binding of parameters at runtime. This flexibility is particularly useful when the same SQL statement needs to be executed multiple times with different values. For instance, updating user records in a database can be efficiently handled by a single PreparedStatement with parameters for user data, which can be set dynamically for each update operation[2][3][5].

Better Performance with Batch Updates

PreparedStatement supports batch updates, which allow multiple sets of par...



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