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What is the difference between di...

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Here is the difference between the Dispose and Finalize methods in C#:

Dispose Method

  • The Dispose method is part of the IDisposable interface in C#.
  • It is used to manually release resources held by an object, such as file handles, database connections, etc.
  • Calling Dispose allows the object to clean up its state and release resources before it is garbage collected.
  • Dispose should be called when you are done using an object that implements IDisposable.
  • It is typically called in a using block or in the finally block of a try-catch statement.

Finalize Method

  • The Finalize method is a special method that is called by the garbage collector before an object is destroyed.
  • It is used to clean up unmanaged resources held by an object.
  • Finalize is part of the Object class and can be ove...


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