Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Android
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What is the difference between getContext() , getA...

Câu trả lời

The main differences between getContext(), getApplicationContext(), getBaseContext(), and this in Android are:

  1. getContext(): Returns the context of the current activity or view. It is only accessible within the activity or view it is called from. It is the most commonly used context and should be used for most UI operations like showing dialogs, toasts, etc.[1][4]

  2. getApplicationContext(): Returns the global application context. It is accessible from anywhere in the application and is tied to the lifecycle of the entire application. It should be used for application-wide operations like creating singletons or accessing application-level resources.[1][2][4]

  3. getBaseContext(): Returns the base context of the current context. It is rarely used and should generally be avoided. It is only relevant when using a ContextWrapper class, which is used to modify the behavior of a context without changing the original context.[1][2][3]

  4. this: When used in an activity, this refers ...



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