Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Flutter
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What is the difference between R...

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The main differences between Flutter and React Native are:

Programming Language

  • Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which is less widely used than JavaScript but has a simpler syntax that can make the learning process faster for developers new to mobile development[1][4].
  • React Native uses JavaScript, which is more popular and has a larger community[1][4].


  • Flutter uses a Business Logic Component (BLoC) architecture, while React Native uses Flux and Redux architectures[3].
  • Flutter's architecture is designed to be more intuitive and easier to understand than React Native[1].


  • Flutter is typically faster than React Native because all Flutter processes are fully native, while not all actions in React Native are performed natively[1][4].
  • Flutter apps are usually "bigger" than React Native ones due to the C/C++ engine, but the larger size doesn't negatively impact performance[1].

App Size

  • Flutter apps are typically larger than React Native apps due to the C/C++ engine[1].
  • However, the larger size of Flutter apps doesn't significantly impact performance, as the extra features that take up space also make the app faster[1].


  • Both frameworks are relatively easy to debug, with React Native using React Native Debugger and Chrome DevTools, while Flutter uses the Flutter Doctor command-line tool[1].
  • Flutter's debugging environment can be tricky to get used to compared to other platforms[...


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