Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Python
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What is the python with statement designed for?

Câu trả lời

The Python with statement is designed for managing external resources in your programs and ensuring that these resources are properly handled during setup and teardown phases. It is a control flow structure that allows you to execute two related operations as a pair, with a block of code in between. The with statement is used to wrap the execution of a block of code with methods defined by a context manager—an object that has an __enter__ and an __exit__ method.

The primary use cases for the with statement include simplifying exception handling by replacing the traditional try-catch-finally blocks with a more concise syntax and automatically handling resource cleanup. When you use a with statement, Python calls the __enter__ method of the context manager before starting the block of code under it and calls the __exit__ method to clean up the resources after the block has been executed, even if an exception occurs. This ensures that resources like file streams, network connections, or locks are properly released, regardless of whether the code block was exited normally or due to an exception.

For example, wh...



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