Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Android
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When would y...

Câu trả lời

Here is an answer to the Android interview question "When would you use AIDL?":

AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) is used when you want to create an interface for inter-process communication (IPC) between an Android app and another process, such as a service running in the same app or a service running in a different app.

You would use AIDL in the following situations:

When Communicating Between an App and a Service

  • If your app has a service that needs to communicate with the main app process or other components, you can use AIDL to define the interface for this communication.
  • The service can expose methods that the app can call to interact with the service.

When Communicating Between Apps

  • If you have two separate Android apps that need to communicate with each other, you can use AIDL to define a shared interface.
  • One app would implement the AIDL interface in a service,...


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