Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Docker
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When would you use ‘docker kill’ or ‘docker rm -f’?

Câu trả lời

The docker kill and docker rm -f commands are used in different scenarios for managing Docker containers. Here’s when you would use each:

docker kill

  • Immediate Termination: Use docker kill when you need to immediately stop a running container. This command sends a SIGKILL signal to the main process inside the container, which forces it to terminate without any cleanup. This is useful when the container is unresponsive or when you need to stop it quickly without waiting for a graceful shutdown.
  • Example:
    docker kill <container-id>

docker rm -f

  • Forceful Removal: Use docker rm -f to forcefully remove a container, whether it is running or stopped. This command stops the container (if it is running) and then removes it. It is useful when you want to ensure that a container is completely removed from the system, including its filesystem and associated resources.
  • Example:
    docker rm -f <container-id>

Key Differences

  • Signal Sent: docker kill sends a SIGKILL signal, while docker rm -f sends a SIGTERM followed by a SIGKILL if the container does not stop within a grace period.
  • Use Case: docker kill is typically used for immediate termination of unresponsive containers, whereas docker rm -f is used for ensuring the complete removal of containers, including stopping them if they are running.

Practical Scenarios

  • Unresponsive Container: If a container is not responding to docker stop or other commands, you might use docker kill to force it to stop...


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