6304 câu hỏi phỏng vấn Full-Stack, Coding & System Design Interview
Bộ lọc:
What is Docker?
What does Containerization mean?
What are the various states that a Docker container can be in at any given point in time?
Can you remove (‘docker rm’) a container that is paused?
What is the difference between a Docker image and a container?
What is Build Cache in Docker?
What type of applications - Stateless or Stateful are more suitable for Docker Container?
What are the most common instructions in Dockerfile?
Is there a way to identify the status of a Docker container?
What is the difference between ‘docker run’ and ‘docker create’?
When would you use ‘docker kill’ or ‘docker rm -f’?
What is the difference between the COPY and ADD commands in a Dockerfile?
What is Docker hub?
Do I lose my data when the Docker container exits?
How to build envrionment-agnostic systems with Docker?
How to link containers?
What’s the difference between a repository and a registry?
What is Docker image?
What is Docker container?
What is the difference between “expose” and “publish” in Docker?
What is the purpose of EXPOSE command in Dockerfile?
What is the default CPU limit set for a container?
What is the difference between Kubernetes and Docker?
Which problems does a Container Orchestration solve?
Explain what are some Pods usage patterns?
Can you create containers wihout their own PID namespace?
What exactly do you mean by “Dockerized node”? Can this node be on-premises or in the cloud?
Explain a use case for Docker
What is virtualisation?
What is Docker Swarm?
What is Hypervisor?
Explain basic Docker usage workflow
Docker Compose vs. Dockerfile - which is better?
Explain when to use Docker vs Docker Compose vs Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes
How will you monitor Docker in production?
What is the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile?
Could you explain what is Emulation?
Should I use Vagrant or Docker for creating an isolated environment?
How can we control the startup order of services in Docker compose?
What happens if you add more than one CMD instruction to a Dockerfile?
What is the preferred way of removing containers - ‘docker rm -f’ or ‘docker stop’ then followed by a ‘docker rm’?
Is it good practice to run stateful applications on Do...
How virtualization ...
What are the different kinds of na...
Can you run Docker co...
What is the difference between ...
What is an orphant volu...
Can you explain dockerf...
What is Parav...
How is Docker different...
Is it possible to generate ...
How is Container differen...
When you limit the memory for a container...
Why do we need Kubernetes (and oth...
Name some limitation...
Why did Docker jump fro...
How to use Docker with...
Can you explain a relationship between con...
Why Docker compose does not wait for a container to be ready...
How does Docker run contai...
How containers wo...