Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Microservices
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Why Would You Opt For Microservices Architecture?

Câu trả lời

Opting for a microservices architecture can offer numerous advantages, particularly for large-scale and complex applications. Here are some key reasons why an organization might choose to adopt a microservices architecture:

1. Scalability

Microservices allow each component of an application to be scaled independently. This means that if a particular service experiences increased demand, it can be scaled up without affecting other parts of the application. This is particularly useful for handling varying loads and optimizing resource usage[2][3][10].

2. Flexibility in Technology

Microservices enable the use of different technologies, programming languages, and frameworks for different services. This allows development teams to choose the best tools for each specific task, fostering innovation and efficiency[1][10][15].

3. Improved Fault Isolation

In a microservices architecture, the failure of one service is less likely to bring down the entire system. This isolation improves the overall resilience of the application, making it easier to identify and fix issues without affecting other services[1][2][10].

4. Faster Development and Deployment

Microservices support continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), allowing for faster development cycles. Teams can develop, test, and deploy services independently, which speeds up the release of new features and updates[1][3][10].

5. Enhanced Maintainability

Breaking down an application into smaller, manageable services makes it easier to understand, test, and maintain. Each service can be developed and updated independently, reducing the complexity associated with large monolithic applications[1][3][13].

6. Better Resource Utilization

Microservices can be deployed in containers, which can be efficiently managed using orchestration tools like Kubernetes. This allows for better resource allocation and utilization, reducing infrastructure costs[3][15].

7. Organizational Agility

Microservices align well with agile development practices. They allow cross-functional teams to work on different services simultaneously, promoting a more dynamic and responsive development environment[1][9][15].

8. Easier Integration and Reusability

Microservices communicate through well-defined APIs, making it easier to integrate with third-party services and reuse existing services across different applications. This modularity enhances the overall flexibility and adaptability of the system[1][3][10]....



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