Câu hỏi phỏng vấn Data Structures
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Name some disadvantages of Linked Lists?

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Linked lists, while useful in many programming scenarios, come with several disadvantages compared to other data structures like arrays. Here are some of the notable disadvantages:

  1. More Memory Usage: Linked lists require more memory than arrays because, in addition to storing data, each element (node) in a linked list must also store a reference (or pointer) to the next (and possibly previous) element in the list. This extra memory for the pointers increases the overall memory consumption of a linked list[1][3].

  2. Slower Access Times: Accessing an element in a linked list is generally slower than accessing an element in an array. This is because arrays provide random access to elements, meaning any element can be directly accessed given its index. In contrast, to access an element in a linked list, you must start at the beginning of the list and traverse through each element until you reach the desired one. This makes accessing individual elements in a linked list slower, especially for large lists[1][3].

  3. More Complex Implementation: Implementing a linked list is more complex than implementing an array. This complexity arises from managing pointers and dynamically allocating memory for each new element. The need to handle these aspects can lead to more bugs and errors in the code[1].

  4. Difficulty in Reverse Traversing: In the case of a singly linked list, reverse traversing is not possible because each node points only to the next node and not to the previous one. Although this limi...



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